peace to all who is reading.
Daily i fall yet i am quick to pick myself back up. Life teaches us many lessons and place us with many responsibilities. Bless us with familiar folk and unfamiliar folk. Each day give me strenght to better myself and empower myself for what faces me NEXT. Again i fall yet i am quick to pick myself up. Young black gifted college student loving and appreciating every experience i have experienced. Exploring and liberating minds as mine is being liberated. I am at peace with self, yet still seeking a Greater PEACE. However i fall yet i am quick to pick myself back up. I am here to leave an impact, here to show many that LIFE is what you make it. take it how it is or take what you can get and run with it. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE! I strive for...even though i may fall i am quick to pick myself up again and achieve EXCELLENCE and become GREATNESS and build upon my QUEENDOM. Live, love, laugh and grow; to empower self.
Peace love & Jah
Opps spelling error lol